Last updated 3 years ago
Trading Tools Integrated With Swap v2 - Candlesticks and other important trading tools integrated into the Dapp.
CoinMarketCap & CoinGecko Listing - Listing with Coingecko and CoinMarketCap.
New User Interface - A much better and smarter interface for the community.
SpacePad v2 The verified project launchpad and listing protocol - Gives you a much better view of new IDO projects - FAAS - FARM AS A SERVICE. - SAS - STAKE AS A SERVICE.
CEX listings - Increasing project exposure, we will be listing $CSS token on major exchanges - Listed now on Elitex Exchange. - Listed now on Blubitex. - Listed now on P2PB2B.
CERTIK audit - Safety is the top priority
MySpace v2 - All DEX users always wanted to have individual/personal/private stats in one place. - Gives you now a much smoother UI, layered security, and ability to add cross chain wallets.
NFT - Many take NFT as Digital Art, but Non-Fungible-Tokens has much more to offer. We are going to Implement the technical power of NFT into our ecosystem.
Leverage yield farming - x1, x2, x3, and so on! Maximizing your yield through the CSS protocol.
Dashboard - One place which controls all main swap functions
Data protocol - The Graph integration top indexing protocol on the market
- SDK software development kit
Listing - Coinbase, CryptoCompare, CoinPaprika, CoinMomo, and other listing sites.
DappRadar Integration - Track, analyze and discover Dapps
Buying Crypto On the CSS Dapp - Ramp Network Integration
Wallet Listings - Klever Wallet - Math Wallet - Trust Wallet
Creating an NFT Character representing the project - Having NFT characters implemented to represent a certain project.
NFT Fractalization Vault & Factory v1 - Having a Non-Fungible Token vault and factory for NFT projects and or art.
Multichain Implementation - A Private Blockchain Implementation using Multichain Open Source Platform.
Gaming Arena - An arena where community players can play and win tokens when they participate or overcome the challenges in the game/s.
NFT SpaceMarket - A marketplace for NFT arts and other kinds of NFTs.
Metaverse NFT Fractalization for Games & Competitions - A space where you can interact in a computer-based environment created for NFTs that mainly factored for games and competitions.
Physical NFT Gallery - A physical NFT gallery complete with franchise license & cooperation.
NFT Renting & Exhibit - This is based on the NFT fractal staking model.