Token Listing

CoinSwap is a decentralized liquidity protocol platform on the BNB Chain Network that allows you to list any BEP20 tokens. Any token can be listed and sold. Each pair is managed by a CoinSwap contract and anyone can become a “liquidity provider” for a pair by putting reserves in the pair’s pooled assets. 1. Go to

2. Connect your wallet

3. Click on ‘Add Liquidity’

4. Click on ‘Select a token’ button

5. Paste your token's contract address to ‘Search name or address’ field, and select it from a dropdown

6. Press ‘Add’ under your token’s name

7. Now you can choose your token

9. Please remember that the first Liquidity Pool creation will form your initial token price. For example, if you input 1 BNB and 1 of your token, that means that 1 token = 1 BNB initially. Then the market will form a fair price

10. Choose how many of your tokens and BNB you want to deposit for a pool

11. Press ‘Approve {your token name}’ button

12. Wallet will require a confirmation

13. Press ‘Supply’ button

14. Approve the supply with ‘Create pool and supply’ button

15. After the transaction is created you will see Transaction Submitted

16. Liquidity Provided tokens will be displayed as per the above picture, if not, please choose the import button.

Congrats, you just listed your token to Coinswap exchange!

Last updated